I don't think it states exactly what offences that article is talking about, although the report does say: "it urges states to curtail corrections spending by placing fewer low-risk offenders behind bars".
Low risk, I guess is covered by this report in The Times, from 2003, which suggests US was (and probably still is) very HOT on people smoking dope and/or taking drugs generally.
".. the laws against drugtaking, possession and peddling in America are
draconian, even in a city such as New York, where drugs are delivered
more often than milk. There are more Americans in jail for drug
offences than the entire prison population of the European Union for
all offences, and the EU has a population 100 million larger than the
And that's just New York, not the whole of the USA, AND was 5 YEARS ago! Goodness knows what the proportion is in 2008, but I don't think you need fear your American friends - sounds like most are just high and happy, rather than chain saw massacre material :D
I don't think it states exactly what offences that article is talking about, although the report does say: "it urges states to curtail corrections spending by placing fewer low-risk offenders behind bars".
Low risk, I guess is covered by this report in The Times, from 2003, which suggests US was (and probably still is) very HOT on people smoking dope and/or taking drugs generally.
".. the laws against drugtaking, possession and peddling in America are
draconian, even in a city such as New York, where drugs are delivered
more often than milk. There are more Americans in jail for drug
offences than the entire prison population of the European Union for
all offences, and the EU has a population 100 million larger than the
And that's just New York, not the whole of the USA, AND was 5 YEARS ago! Goodness knows what the proportion is in 2008, but I don't think you need fear your American friends - sounds like most are just high and happy, rather than chain saw massacre material :D