
First answer to the first question...

"I think the logo or the sticker is not that innovative, and it does not reflect the creativeness we may find on such a great site as Qatar living."

Its all a matter of perspective. I think the logo rocks. You have the right to disagree with me, but please please please do not make a general sweepintatement like the one you made above.


"I guess someone who is not getting along with Darude can neither join Qatarliving gatherings nor get such a products, because he has a problem with the person not the concept. I know many people that would never accept to get something "personally" from him."

My answer: That may be because the 'people' may not have interacted with Darude personally. UNDERSTAND one things...the persona of people in REAL life is often different from the one in virtual. They may be the best in virtual world, but baddies in real life. Avice versa. If you have met darude and you are telling the opinion, i give value to your judgement. But if you are saying it solely by what you see from QL, then i humble suggest you to go and fly a kite, for you dont know what you are speaking about. I have met Darude four times and there is no better sepcimen of kindess around. period.

"So, I think that something relevant to a site should be dealt with collectively. There should be a comittee or something alike to handle such issues."

My answer: Someone has come forward to take initiative and do something. You have been around in QL for at least three months. Why didnt you take initiative t form a committee? When someone does something, keep personal grudge away from it and ACKNOWLEDGE the good work he does. APPRECIATE it, thats the name of the game, my man. And also know that empty vessels make the loudest noice. Sorry to be blunt about it. And now i think you wouldnt want to meet me in ral life too. Your prerogative and i respect that.

"and.. again I would repeat, there should have been a sorta competition on who is the most creative about the logo . The one Darude came out with is so " banal"."

My answer: The logo was NOT designed by Darude. It was done by the administrators of the site. GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT before saying something about someone. else, you could end up looking like the fool. And to put things in the right perspective, i have talked ato at least 20 people who think that the design is actually ossome... So not everypone think that it is 'banal'.

And finally, thank you you for tolerating the answers to a different opinion...

Good day!

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