I am from England and i think we have a similar National Health system there than Australia so I think I know where you are coming from. I was also a nurse back home so I have formed my opinions of the health service here based on this. Qatar has a NHS that is available to all residents once you have paid 100QR for a health card that gives you a patient number. This entitles you to emergency treatment, routine referrals, surgery etc. It is not free at the point of delivery but an outpatient appointment is 50QR for the first appointment then 30QR each visit. Overnight stays depend on the type of ward you choose, single room, semi private (2 beds) or ward (4 beds). I had an op here and was in a 4 bed ward and it was fine, cost 100QR for 2 nights. The health service is based on the American model and is regulated by a Canadian company as far as I know so all issues with culture, confidentiality, patient rights are similar to the experience I had in the UK. Thee are 2 private hospitals here also, much cheaper. I pay 200QR per private appointment with Dr Adnan. At homei had to pay 1100QR equivelent. All in all I feel that the health service is clean, well run and of a high quality although outpatient appointments can a be scary so try to take someone with you the first time. I don't work in the health service here though so please, anyone who does, correct me if i am wrong about anything.
I am from England and i think we have a similar National Health system there than Australia so I think I know where you are coming from. I was also a nurse back home so I have formed my opinions of the health service here based on this. Qatar has a NHS that is available to all residents once you have paid 100QR for a health card that gives you a patient number. This entitles you to emergency treatment, routine referrals, surgery etc. It is not free at the point of delivery but an outpatient appointment is 50QR for the first appointment then 30QR each visit. Overnight stays depend on the type of ward you choose, single room, semi private (2 beds) or ward (4 beds). I had an op here and was in a 4 bed ward and it was fine, cost 100QR for 2 nights. The health service is based on the American model and is regulated by a Canadian company as far as I know so all issues with culture, confidentiality, patient rights are similar to the experience I had in the UK. Thee are 2 private hospitals here also, much cheaper. I pay 200QR per private appointment with Dr Adnan. At homei had to pay 1100QR equivelent. All in all I feel that the health service is clean, well run and of a high quality although outpatient appointments can a be scary so try to take someone with you the first time. I don't work in the health service here though so please, anyone who does, correct me if i am wrong about anything.