It struck me as a sort of gauge as to how people are reacting differently over the past few decades to what is and isn't acceptable under the guise of 'artistic licence'.
Personally (if you look at the pictures in the full link) I found some of the exhibits tasteless. Mind you, I don't think I'm the type who could get so excited about them as to rally or murder over them. However, I guess someone has to ...
Well, if you like this sort of thing it may be
It struck me as a sort of gauge as to how people are reacting differently over the past few decades to what is and isn't acceptable under the guise of 'artistic licence'.
Personally (if you look at the pictures in the full link) I found some of the exhibits tasteless. Mind you, I don't think I'm the type who could get so excited about them as to rally or murder over them. However, I guess someone has to ...