Animals brought into the country or heaven forbid bought at the souq will cost you even more - we have yet to hear about an animal bought at the souq surviving more than a couple of days - since they are invaribly sick when you buy them and a trip to the vet will set you back nothing under QR3000 in our experience with souq pets.
People need to start to realise that QAWS gets nothing for free except spays/neuters for cats at the ministry - QAWS like everyone else pays for the food they feed, the medications administered/vet services utilised and the property the animals are housed on.
If you are prepared to pay for the services that are compulsory to adopting an animal from the QAWS, you are proving goodwill and the QAWS staff will also see you are prepared to take good care of the animal.
Animals brought into the country or heaven forbid bought at the souq will cost you even more - we have yet to hear about an animal bought at the souq surviving more than a couple of days - since they are invaribly sick when you buy them and a trip to the vet will set you back nothing under QR3000 in our experience with souq pets.
People need to start to realise that QAWS gets nothing for free except spays/neuters for cats at the ministry - QAWS like everyone else pays for the food they feed, the medications administered/vet services utilised and the property the animals are housed on.
If you are prepared to pay for the services that are compulsory to adopting an animal from the QAWS, you are proving goodwill and the QAWS staff will also see you are prepared to take good care of the animal.