eysh asaawiy bihaada?
eysh huwa?
OK Huttuw fi'el4urfa
eysh tib4iyniy asaawiy taaniy?
I'm hoping the Jeddah dialect would be passable, if a little awkward (lol) here in Qatar?
(you will see I was taught how to order maids about, even though I never had one!!!! LMAO)
eysh asaawiy bihaada?
eysh huwa?
OK Huttuw fi'el4urfa
eysh tib4iyniy asaawiy taaniy?
I'm hoping the Jeddah dialect would be passable, if a little awkward (lol) here in Qatar?
(you will see I was taught how to order maids about, even though I never had one!!!! LMAO)