I simply forwarded it to Qatari, with the following cover note.   I found it really quite amusing actually HEE!


From: jauntie
To: qatari
Subject: Good afternoon, qatari
Date: Fri, 15/02/2008 - 2:09pm

hey! I'm no prude and, in fact, I had a bit of a giggle at this PM I received.  However, that said, I wonder if you really want this type of PM wizzing around your lovely website.  (I was particularly amused at the flagrant soliciting for sex by mutual consent )LOL


From: dohaking02
To: jauntie
Subject: needme call me
Date: Thu, 14/02/2008 - 7:19pm

Ladies Call me now to book an amazing massage Day Evening  Out calls only,Male Masseur available from 0600am though till midnight. Any woman needs... sensual pleasure....... available for you..........any time with you.....giver of pleasure...no more, no less
clean discreet and satisfaction assured
must be your place, or neutral ground
married, bored, neglected, unsatisfied
only external stimulation unless mutual agreement for more.
lay back and enjoy .
My massage technique is a mix of soft and hard pressure over entire body, using oils. I will be leaving you feeling fantastic. Your massage can be therapeutic or sensual…its upto ur wish. ……………………….Go..On……Pamper yourself You will be really pleased with the results. Very  Discrete……and ……..very Professional                      requireme2[AT]gmail.com