Family Visit Visa
Topics: Visa, Passport and Official Documents
Audience: Citizens and Residents
Families of sponsored residents may enter Qatar on a short-term Family Visit Visa. The visa is valid for one month. However, relatives who wish to stay beyond one month may undergo a physical examination within the first 72 hours of arrival to apply for an extension.
The visa can be extended to cover a maximum of six months only (five extendable months for immediate family members and two months for second-degree relatives). Foreign employees who wish to bring their families to live in Qatar should refer to the Family Visa.
Application Process
Follow these steps to apply for a Family Visit Visa:
Print and fill out form.
Attach to the application a copy of the resident’s ID or passport, along with a copy of the applicant’s passport.
Attach a letter from the resident’s employer outlining his/her position and salary.
Supply authenticated proof of relation, such as marriage or birth certificates.
Submit the application to the Ministry of Interior’s immigration office.
Pay appropriate fees.
Additional Information
A fee of QR200 applies for each visa, and QR50 for each registered dependent or companion. The visa is valid for one month and can be extended for QR200 per month (QR50 per month for the companion). Additional documents may be required for the visa application.