Your X doesn't have Z....this story owned by other people....... we just hope we will not have one story like this in our life because its too hard.....its hard according to a friend that even i tried to throw boiling water to her/him, still......she/he tells me the word..."I LOVE HIM/her." sometimes, my ear tired of listening those such words but i hope if i started to feel love, it will not be hard like this.
"Only in Dreams never in reality"
Your X doesn't have Z....this story owned by other people....... we just hope we will not have one story like this in our life because its too hard.....its hard according to a friend that even i tried to throw boiling water to her/him, still......she/he tells me the word..."I LOVE HIM/her." sometimes, my ear tired of listening those such words but i hope if i started to feel love, it will not be hard like this.