you appear to live in Fantasy Land.. let's start with people drinking, there are numerous laws internationally regarding flight personnel drinking prior to working this also applies to military people and it is usually 8 hrs prior to reporting to duty. Qatar is not the only country with rules regarding marriage, most countries do because they don't want to take on the burden of taking care of more people. I can remember driving to Alaska and the Canadians would not let anyone cross the border unless they had $800 in cash. The US military academies did not let any freshman marry, I don't know if that is still true. My present contract states that I must abide by all local laws and customs. I not only have the right but am obligated to watch and make sure none of my employees or co-workers are violating the rules, it is called ethics. As far as prostitution goes I believe it is an international thing and is now referred to as "human trafficking" and if countires want to belong to the WTO and other organizations they must abide by and enforce the rules (and they should).
I don't understand the complaints about middle-east countries, I assume and maybe I am wrong that you are not from here. Remember if you are not a Qatari then as an expat you must have a sponsor, in this case it is Qatar Airways and they are responsible for all of a person's actions 24 hrs. a day as long as they are you sponsor.