NOC Network Operations Center
NOC National Olympic Committee
NOC National Occupational Classification (Immigration Canada)
NOC Nantahala Outdoor Center (Bryson City, North Carolina)
NOC Nursing Outcomes Classification
NOC No Objection Certificate
NOC Number of Children
NOC Not Otherwise Classified (airborne particulates)
NOC National Oil Company
NOC Non-Official Cover
NOC National Operations Center
NOC Nederlands Olympisch Comité (Netherlands Olympic Committee)
NOC Notice of Completion
NOC No One Cares
NOC Notice of Commencement
NOC Notice Of Change
NOC Network-On-A-Chip
NOC National Organising Committee
NOC Notice Of Cancellation
NOC No Overall Control
NOC Northern Oil Company
NOC Notice of Construction
NOC National Occupation Code (Immigration Canada)
NOC National Ocean Council
NOC Nintendo of Canada
NOC Naval Ordnance Center
NOC Net Oil Computer
NOC National Obsolescence Centre
NOC Normally Open Contact
NOC Notification of Construction
NOC Not Otherwise Coded
NOC Naval Operations Center
NOC Naval Oceanography Command
NOC National Operating Center
NOC Normal Operation Conditions
NOC Net Operating Capital
NOC Network Operations and Control
NOC National Offshore Council
NOC Notice of Complaint
NOC Negotiation Operations Center
NOC Northrop Grumman, Inc (stock symbol)
NOC Not Our Class
NOC Natural Optimizer Compiler (Software AG USA)
NOC Network Oversight Committee (Australia)
NOC Nuclear Operations Concept
NOC Number Of Organizational Components
NOC Network Operators Console (PBX)
NOC Connaught, Ireland - Knock (Airport Code)
NOC Navy Officer Classification
NOC Nose on a Chip (chemical sensor technology)
NOC Non-Caching System

I hope your answer is on above list.