gave details of a company who provide a POBox arrangement for mail to be sent from UK direct.
I can't remember the details - maybe a search of QL would provide the answer.
I get a friend of mine to open any of my post which looks urgent and then she talks me through it on MSN.
If I think I need the hard copy of the letter she sends it on to me here - it takes about 2 weeks.
I don't think I'd rely on Royal Mail, to be honest. I've used their redirection services a lot within the UK and many times things haven't been forwarded. Luckily the person living at my old address sent stuff on - I complained to Royal Mail and got a book of a dozen first class stamps as compensation for them NOT redirecting something quite important! :D
gave details of a company who provide a POBox arrangement for mail to be sent from UK direct.
I can't remember the details - maybe a search of QL would provide the answer.
I get a friend of mine to open any of my post which looks urgent and then she talks me through it on MSN.
If I think I need the hard copy of the letter she sends it on to me here - it takes about 2 weeks.
I don't think I'd rely on Royal Mail, to be honest. I've used their redirection services a lot within the UK and many times things haven't been forwarded. Luckily the person living at my old address sent stuff on - I complained to Royal Mail and got a book of a dozen first class stamps as compensation for them NOT redirecting something quite important! :D