You know, the first Christmas I spent away from my family, when I was first married and living in Jeddah? Much as I LOVE my family, that Christmas - the first in my LIFE I'd spent without being 'summoned' to a family gathering - was honestly the BEST ! I always enjoyed it, and had fun, but it was that 'commitment' thing which spoiled it. 'be there or else' type of thing.
Just spent it with people we'd met and everyone pitched in with either a Turkey, or the veggies, or the salads, or the desserts and there was ABSOLUTELY NO PRESSURE.
It was such a feeling of freedom LOL
Mind you - these days I'd really enjoy being with my family on Christmas Day, but maybe that's because I've tasted having the CHOICE to be there or not.
If you see what I mean.
You know, the first Christmas I spent away from my family, when I was first married and living in Jeddah? Much as I LOVE my family, that Christmas - the first in my LIFE I'd spent without being 'summoned' to a family gathering - was honestly the BEST ! I always enjoyed it, and had fun, but it was that 'commitment' thing which spoiled it. 'be there or else' type of thing.
Just spent it with people we'd met and everyone pitched in with either a Turkey, or the veggies, or the salads, or the desserts and there was ABSOLUTELY NO PRESSURE.
It was such a feeling of freedom LOL
Mind you - these days I'd really enjoy being with my family on Christmas Day, but maybe that's because I've tasted having the CHOICE to be there or not.
If you see what I mean.