so I hope QHell wont mind me tagging my query on to this thread and maybe will have the answer I'm looking for.

I have invited my sister to visit us in Doha in January. I haven't booked her flight yet and know that we can obtain a 14 day visitor's visa for her on arrival at DIA.

My question is this.

If she would like to stay for, say, 3 weeks and so I book a return flight for that duration, what happens at DIA when she arrives with a return ticket dated 3 weeks after her arrival?

I can see from QHell's post that it shouldn't be a problem to extend her Visa at the Airport AFTER her arrival but, if immigration see her visit is for THREE weeks, will they still issue her with a TWO week visa irrespective of what her ticket says?

Grateful to anyone who may have the answer to this.

QHell? What was the duration of YOUR visitor's return flight ticket, please. I guess it was for a stay longer than 2 weeks, otherwise you wouldn't have wanted to extend the Visa.
