ok. wheres ur location?? it'll take me an hour... im not ready to go out yet.... where shall i pick u up?
whATevER yoU giVE to LIfe, IT giVEs YOu BAck.
DO noT haTE anYBodY.
thE HAtrED thAT COmeS ouT frOM yoU, wiLL coME baCK to YoU.
LOve OTheRS & LOve wiLL coME BAck TO you.
ok. wheres ur location?? it'll take me an hour... im not ready to go out yet.... where shall i pick u up?
whATevER yoU giVE to LIfe, IT giVEs YOu BAck.
DO noT haTE anYBodY.
thE HAtrED thAT COmeS ouT frOM yoU, wiLL coME baCK to YoU.
LOve OTheRS & LOve wiLL coME BAck TO you.