This is a perfect example of Qlers who criticize, mock and bully members. If you think the OP is so cheesy and offensive DON’T POST—isn’t this what Gypsy used to say before she turned arrogant. For once I agreed with her.
Are you thriving for attention to the point where you have to bully others? Or is it boredom? You talk about “freedom of speech” so what’s with the criticism?
If you think what you have to say is so ‘inspiring’ and ‘intellectual’, start your own thread and leave this poor person alone.
Alexa, you have proven yet again what a mean, cynical, vicious person you are, making comments such as:
>bombarding us with this stuff on a daily basis
>if a man would tell me stuff like that I would run, run as fast as I can...faaaar away.
>I always have wondered about "guys" writing smushy stuff like that...actually for me....yukkkkkk.
If you’re so offended, why are you posting in this thread? It’s to make a mockery of the OP isn’t it? Why else would you post?
If you have something better to say why not start your own thread Alexa instead of humiliating and making fun of someone else. It makes you feel good about yourself doesn’t it? If you’re that turned off why not say something intelligent yourself?
I personally think you like all the attention because your bored!
This is a perfect example of Qlers who criticize, mock and bully members. If you think the OP is so cheesy and offensive DON’T POST—isn’t this what Gypsy used to say before she turned arrogant. For once I agreed with her.
Are you thriving for attention to the point where you have to bully others? Or is it boredom? You talk about “freedom of speech” so what’s with the criticism?
If you think what you have to say is so ‘inspiring’ and ‘intellectual’, start your own thread and leave this poor person alone.
Alexa, you have proven yet again what a mean, cynical, vicious person you are, making comments such as:
>bombarding us with this stuff on a daily basis
>if a man would tell me stuff like that I would run, run as fast as I can...faaaar away.
>I always have wondered about "guys" writing smushy stuff like that...actually for me....yukkkkkk.
If you’re so offended, why are you posting in this thread? It’s to make a mockery of the OP isn’t it? Why else would you post?
If you have something better to say why not start your own thread Alexa instead of humiliating and making fun of someone else. It makes you feel good about yourself doesn’t it? If you’re that turned off why not say something intelligent yourself?
I personally think you like all the attention because your bored!