that stupid teddy bear thing. And the majority of the muslims here and around the world agreed it was a farce.
That situation, unfortunately, leant itself to ridicule. If I was a Muslim I would first of all been VERY annoyed and embarrassed about it, but I think I could have been adult enough to see it was stupid. As did many Muslim QLers
I'm very sorry if some took the mickey taking about it a step too far, but the situation in itself was over the top.
Frog and Gypsy managed to lock antlers over it and so it's been perpetuated. I think we can all move on, now, can't we?
that stupid teddy bear thing. And the majority of the muslims here and around the world agreed it was a farce.
That situation, unfortunately, leant itself to ridicule. If I was a Muslim I would first of all been VERY annoyed and embarrassed about it, but I think I could have been adult enough to see it was stupid. As did many Muslim QLers
I'm very sorry if some took the mickey taking about it a step too far, but the situation in itself was over the top.
Frog and Gypsy managed to lock antlers over it and so it's been perpetuated. I think we can all move on, now, can't we?
Until the next time, at least! :D