Frog_ unfortunately your not the first person Gypsy has deeply offended and wont be the last. It's all a joke to her, she has even admitted that. She keeps getting away with it; why? Because her little gang keep sticking up for her. She DOES have admin under her thumb. When you stop offending people, making fun of religion and treating new QLers with so much disrespect and viciousness, we will go away. I'm not pasting anyones comments on here as I know you will ALL crucify them for going against the 'princess Gypsy '.

Gypsy said:

Anyway everything can be joked about.

Do people on here really believe this?

So your saying Gypsy, that getting raped can be joked about? Great theory you have there ha ha ha ha its so funny isn’t it?????

For the record Gypsy, no I don’t have a life and don’t want one so you can stop with the smart ass jokes as they don’t deter me in any way. Leave them for all your other poor victims of this forum.