Nopes, it was totally etihad's fault. Delay in take off from Doha resulted in us reaching Abu Dhabi 'after' our connecting flight had left.

Another cheap shot by Etihad, they gave us coupons for breakfast at 3AM and told us to go to the restaurant where we were told that breakfast is served after 6:30. Not having any real solution, Etihad was just trying to get their customers off their back. In the morning, they said, don't worry, we'l also give you a meal coupon. Made me laugh, but this is so darn cheap. A 20 hour delay definitely warrants hotel stay (even if it just has a mattress and a blanket).

Btw, i did feel the staff to be well intentioned (but helpless nevertheless), I guess it's the management that is totally screwed.

Even a remotely well managed company would have standard policies and would try to communicate with its customers rather than saying we don't know.

Herne, thanks for the sympathies.

Well, i still have to keep my fingers crossed, hope it dosen't turn into something like The Terminal :-P

Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.