a lady inside city centre... I had been waiting for a parking for about 20 min.. Generally, i find an area to wait and I sit it out till someone moves... Anyway, finally my patience had paid off, and a car was coming out.. .but a lady coming from the otherside decided it was going to be her parking... so she moved herself into such a position that the car could not come out of the parking and no one else could take it...
I was gesturing to her that it was my parking, but she was just glaring at me... She then realises that she is in the way, drives past me, shouting at me and before I can do anything, a man takes the place that I was waiting for.... he had the cheek to laugh at me when I told him that was my parking...
a lady inside city centre... I had been waiting for a parking for about 20 min.. Generally, i find an area to wait and I sit it out till someone moves... Anyway, finally my patience had paid off, and a car was coming out.. .but a lady coming from the otherside decided it was going to be her parking... so she moved herself into such a position that the car could not come out of the parking and no one else could take it...
I was gesturing to her that it was my parking, but she was just glaring at me... She then realises that she is in the way, drives past me, shouting at me and before I can do anything, a man takes the place that I was waiting for.... he had the cheek to laugh at me when I told him that was my parking...
What to do?