The last time I saw a "anit-hijacking" thread of this magnitude, half of QL defected to QBB.....

Anyone planning on starting another forum? LOL...

Really, this is becoming ridiculous.... I think that Renee, has achieved exactly what she failed to do the first couple of times she started threads like this.... divide and conquor....

I agree, threads should not be hi-jacked, it is most irritating.. Yes, I have been guilty of it, as have all of us, but what really needs to stop are the personal attacks on people when they have something to say....

This is a public forum, and as has been said numerous times, we all have our own personalities and opinions... some of us take things very personally, when we shouldn't and what inveribly ends up happening is degrading to peoples moral....

I know that sometimes it's difficult to walk away when something bugs you... but sometimes, for your sanity and ours... walk away.... its not worth the stress and the effort to fight with people that mean absolutely nothing to you in your day to day life....

Take a look at this threat... its 4 pages long... and it's full of everthing that I and others have spoken about...

AND Renee..... is laughing, as "it" has achieved what ever "it" set out to do....

Get over yourselves people!