I don't think you can say it was hijacked because no one was commenting on it. It was Posted at about 4.30 yesterday and was responded to up until just after Ksarat posted his response regarding his 'tiff' with PM. That was just after 7.00.

THEN the hijacking started and at about 8.22 knox tried to bring it back on course shortly followed by Bajesus asking that the hijacking stopped. The rest, as they say, is history .... :D

Whether you like the topic or not, it WAS being treated as a discussion topic until the hijacking began.

And for the record I was a newbie once and I vividly remember disagreeing with the way someone was being treated and getting 'put down' for it. Still happens sometimes even now if I don't 'go with the flow'. Happily I have a thickish skin, but it is still a bit daunting.