It depends somewhat on the compound within WBL - and on your children.

I live in a large compound with heaps of kids/teens, so my perspective is a bit biased toward large compound living. The kids in my compound run around like it's the 1950s, which is fantastic.

I don't know that I'd feel as comfortable allowing my teens to run around in WBL simply because of the traffic and the walls within walls - look up WBL on Google Earth and you'll see that it's made of a number of mini-compounds, some of which are super-secure and others of which are more open.

It could be just a bit of paranoia, but I'd rather have my kids running unsupervised through a large compound than I would in WBL.

Your kids will need to be more outgoing in WBL than they would be in a larger compound because things are so spread out, too.

Don't get me wrong - WBL is very nice, the villas are spacious and TONS of people love it there. When it comes to your specific question about a teen, though, I think if what I would have enjoyed at that age. . .and a more "normal" compound would have received my vote.

Good luck!