are often relevant to what's going on around me at the time in my life. For instance, we have just moved house here in Doha and I am feeling frazzled and look a real mess! First night here we slept with the bedding provided, which was like sleeping under, and over, horsehair stuffed duvet and covers.
I related my dream of the following night to a friend:
"I don't often dream, but last night I dreamt that hub liked a young girl with long, straight blonde hair. He seemed to have in his possession a model ocean liner/ship which, in my dream, he had given me as a wedding present. It must have been made of wood and he was taking it somewhere to be mended. They couldn't mend it and this girl with the blonde hair was complaining she didn't have a duvet so Bryan went and got a wood shaver thing and shaved the wood off the ocean liner and used the shavings to fill a duvet to give to her. He even decorated the duvet!
I wasn't sure whether to cry or not because he may have been going to leave me for the other girl".
are often relevant to what's going on around me at the time in my life. For instance, we have just moved house here in Doha and I am feeling frazzled and look a real mess! First night here we slept with the bedding provided, which was like sleeping under, and over, horsehair stuffed duvet and covers.
I related my dream of the following night to a friend:
"I don't often dream, but last night I dreamt that hub liked a young girl with long, straight blonde hair. He seemed to have in his possession a model ocean liner/ship which, in my dream, he had given me as a wedding present. It must have been made of wood and he was taking it somewhere to be mended. They couldn't mend it and this girl with the blonde hair was complaining she didn't have a duvet so Bryan went and got a wood shaver thing and shaved the wood off the ocean liner and used the shavings to fill a duvet to give to her. He even decorated the duvet!
I wasn't sure whether to cry or not because he may have been going to leave me for the other girl".
Then I woke up. But I still felt pretty upset :(