Boer....all are not mean like you..LOL Whats wrong in helping him get a job, if f someone already attended the interview and selected/working in RasGas. I dont have any problem giving anyone advantage as long as I have a job….. only insecure people will think like you… LOL

Athiran, I did attend couple of interviews in RasGas and they selected me, but I did not join because it was in RasLaffan and I got a better offer from another company in Doha.

I was once interviewed by a panel of four Gentlemen, and the second one was only by one person. Hope you passed the test. Just do some homework about RasGas its business and activates, they asked me to berief about my work experience. Asked a bit about the technical side of the job, whether I can do power point presentations and what other software I am familiar with etc... be confident and answer boldly. If you dont know something just admit that and stay cool. Make them feel that you are very keen to work with such a reputed organization. No worries... it will be easy.

All the best!