happens all the time out here - and yep Karwa taxis arent safe! When you use a Karwar taxi take his plate number and then either call or pretend to callsomeone and tell them the plate number. Its not safe to walk the streets alone as a women out here - like Orynx said if your female your fair game - remember some of these people think women and i quote " secretly enjoy rape" or they " shouldnt be alone with a man as they are asking for it" - yeo these are comments from people on QL!

All she can do is have protection which she feels comfy with! i have had mine for a year now! I mean even when i am walking three dogs the men still come at ya!

and yep the police wont do a thing about it - i was harassed by a qatari for ages gave the cops his license plate and they didnt do a thing - he was too high up! I like to check his fines thou on the moi as i believe in karma and he has loads!

so yeah sadly rape and attacks are common out here and not many people really care ( dont mean you QL ers!)

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love life!