I expected you are open-minded person but seems I was wrong. In fact my impression about you now that you are the radical one, and no wonder you call your self red pope. If you gave your self a chance to see the clip or the one people who made it, you will find out they are NOT MUSLIMS NOR ARAB.
Also if you surve the internet, you will get loads of websites for some people who are NOT MUSLIMS NOR ARAB, who doubt about the common story about 9/11.
These people are ones who don't believe everything the media publish, who have minds to use, and who have another point of view.
They show their ideas with some evidences and analysis. You can take a look on these websites to save your precious time of searching: http://www.patriotsquestion911.com/ http://911research.wtc7.net/index.html http://www.septembereleventh.org/newsarchive/2005-05-22-571pglie.php
I expected you are open-minded person but seems I was wrong. In fact my impression about you now that you are the radical one, and no wonder you call your self red pope. If you gave your self a chance to see the clip or the one people who made it, you will find out they are NOT MUSLIMS NOR ARAB.
Also if you surve the internet, you will get loads of websites for some people who are NOT MUSLIMS NOR ARAB, who doubt about the common story about 9/11.
These people are ones who don't believe everything the media publish, who have minds to use, and who have another point of view.
They show their ideas with some evidences and analysis. You can take a look on these websites to save your precious time of searching: