I think, it’s not the culture but the attitude of a person thats matters. In some culture it is an accepted fact that men dominate….but in that case also there are men who treat women equally… it all depends on how he was raised in his family.. I read one book on the behavior of men, in that what I understood is, if a boy has seen his father dominating his mom, when he grows up he tries to act the same way. But he is not realizing the fact that those days are gone, when mom used to be at home and take care of the kids and she is not much aware of the world outside, her knowledge is limited to what her husband says. Those days husbands used to much elder than wife, obviously he will be wiser than the wife.
Now things are changed, women also work and earn like men, she is also qualified and they both got similar life experience Even if a wife is not working she is updated with the latest happening in the world through TV and internet. So they are equal in all respect (except physical strength…lol). But some men cannot stand the thought that women are more intelligent or can take a better decision than him…..they have a preconceived notion that women are weaker/stupid.
Men should learn to accept the change and not stereotype women as their mother or grandmother. Modern day women don’t need to be submissive. But with love and respect a man can convince her to his way (secret unfolded. .lol )
Not necessary she is always right, but then again everyone makes mistakes and learns from it. If she takes a wrong decision, she should accept her mistake and ask him to take the decision next time and vice versa, that’s how it works. I personally think, If there is a dispute….. no harm in agreeing with his decision in order to avoid a conflict at home. But make sure that he don’t make it a habit. Not necessary women should always compromise.
Scarlet cool quote…that’s way it should be..
I think, it’s not the culture but the attitude of a person thats matters. In some culture it is an accepted fact that men dominate….but in that case also there are men who treat women equally… it all depends on how he was raised in his family.. I read one book on the behavior of men, in that what I understood is, if a boy has seen his father dominating his mom, when he grows up he tries to act the same way. But he is not realizing the fact that those days are gone, when mom used to be at home and take care of the kids and she is not much aware of the world outside, her knowledge is limited to what her husband says. Those days husbands used to much elder than wife, obviously he will be wiser than the wife.
Now things are changed, women also work and earn like men, she is also qualified and they both got similar life experience Even if a wife is not working she is updated with the latest happening in the world through TV and internet. So they are equal in all respect (except physical strength…lol). But some men cannot stand the thought that women are more intelligent or can take a better decision than him…..they have a preconceived notion that women are weaker/stupid.
Men should learn to accept the change and not stereotype women as their mother or grandmother. Modern day women don’t need to be submissive. But with love and respect a man can convince her to his way (secret unfolded. .lol )
Not necessary she is always right, but then again everyone makes mistakes and learns from it. If she takes a wrong decision, she should accept her mistake and ask him to take the decision next time and vice versa, that’s how it works. I personally think, If there is a dispute….. no harm in agreeing with his decision in order to avoid a conflict at home. But make sure that he don’t make it a habit. Not necessary women should always compromise.