The case between America and GCC are different. As Mrs. said any ordinary person can apply immigration to America or Europe. Gulf countries are not giving citizenship to expats. They give a passport to athletes, but I don't think these athletes stay a long time here. During the asian games my Asian friends said its African games because there are too many African players represented GCC.
Why they change the religion also in the new passport? Do the GCC not give citizenship to non Muslim candidates?
The case between America and GCC are different. As Mrs. said any ordinary person can apply immigration to America or Europe. Gulf countries are not giving citizenship to expats. They give a passport to athletes, but I don't think these athletes stay a long time here. During the asian games my Asian friends said its African games because there are too many African players represented GCC.
Why they change the religion also in the new passport? Do the GCC not give citizenship to non Muslim candidates?
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