i dont think i will ever understand thou how people dont love animals the way we do! Its so sad!
Marley and me is such a wonderful book i urge everyone to read it, it makes me laugh and cry!
Xena - we have too get the huskys togehter soon! i would love to see what Storm would do if she saw one which looked like her! I keep trying to get to the beach with the dogs when you all go!
Moonbeam is right about never giving up on pets - i have lost count of how many shoes, furniture, dvds, cds and countless other items which have been chewed and destroyed by our dogs - but the love they give us back is worth more than any stupid material item! My Thunder dog who i love like mad after three years of trying still wont walk on a lead properly but i havent given up on him and never will!! Animals need love and patience and kindness!

[img_assist|nid=13270|title=Love Life|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=113]

love life!