its just that there are always differing viewpoints...From the outside I can see a lot of badness going on...but also a lot of goodness at the same time. It takes LOT to change mindsets of a culture, but not so much to change one personal one. I think the Qataris are working on it but again, it takes time to adjust generations of living and thinking, in a certain way. Every different culture that comes here to Qatar brings with it, its own beliefs and way of life. Then we have to meld and bend with the existing one. yes, a lot of people are living at substandard levels...but then was most likely worse where they came from or they wouldn't be here in the first place(hard to imagine because I've never had to live like that but very aware of it) There are a lot of things that could stand some changing..that's for sure, but again..that takes time and Qatar has been drastically changing for only about 20 years...if that. People always take longer to change than cities...but that's because cities don't think...people do. you did, Ram(and everyone else)...keep on talking to Qataris on a one to one basis...(I'll have to start!) and who knows what mind you might open up towards change. Might even be your own!!