The choices for support of special needs are limited here, folks. I've lived here for 15 years -- I should know! My preschooler goes to see a Canadian lady who works with him on his speech delay/pronunciation problems once a week. She is licensed, qualified and very good. I pay out of pocket over $80/week for one hour of services for him.

I would NOT recommend either Shafallah or The Learning Center. The former is for severely mentally disabled children (mostly locals) and the latter is a school but, again, populated mostly with locals and it's a watered-down curriculum with few genuinely-trained specialists on staff to deal with the types of things you're thinking of *they're mostly regular teachers who have had a few inservices on working with kids with ADD -- that's about it).
I recently found an Occupational Therapist here, but it was HARD. There is a local group of expat specialists (mostly therapists, psychologists, etc.) that meet, and they do have links/references to other people here for those needing referrals, but families moving here from the States/UK/elsewhere need to know that if your child needs a lot of specialized support, then you're better off staying home.

If anyone wants/needs more info, please email me for specifics.
Cheers --