America...married almost 27 years now...what I've seen in the past years is that its the mindset and committment that make a marriage work. I've seen too many people go into a marriage with the idea that ohh well, if it doesn't work out we can just get divorced.... Marriage is a LOT of work and effort.
I can understand where you are going with this post...and I have a lot of friends of all nationalities that aren't married, but living with someone or have decided just to have children by themselves. Can't say whether its right OR wrong..that has to be up to them and what they are looking for in the long run. Out of wedlock children...that's never THEIR fault..and I have never understood why some societies choose to ostracize them. Its beyond my grasp...There is no way that I would ever marry someone just because I got pregnant (let me rephrase that..WE got pregnant..takes TWO people to do that!). Good grief..he could be an abuser, alcholic that won't get help, or mass murder, whatever..just because you're pregnant doesn't mean you have to marry the man.
PA's comments make no sense at all...because its total rubbish on the increased AIDS, etc issues..
Gypsy..don't let what someone else decides is right for you, dictate what you want or need to do in your life. If you are a strong enough person, and I know you are, you can handle anything life throws at you.
Note...on that listing provided on countries with the divorce rates...take into note the countries that are almost total Catholics..a lot of them stay married due to religion...even if the marriage is abusive or bad. Again..I've never understood that..but to each his/her own
America...married almost 27 years now...what I've seen in the past years is that its the mindset and committment that make a marriage work. I've seen too many people go into a marriage with the idea that ohh well, if it doesn't work out we can just get divorced.... Marriage is a LOT of work and effort.
I can understand where you are going with this post...and I have a lot of friends of all nationalities that aren't married, but living with someone or have decided just to have children by themselves. Can't say whether its right OR wrong..that has to be up to them and what they are looking for in the long run. Out of wedlock children...that's never THEIR fault..and I have never understood why some societies choose to ostracize them. Its beyond my grasp...There is no way that I would ever marry someone just because I got pregnant (let me rephrase that..WE got pregnant..takes TWO people to do that!). Good grief..he could be an abuser, alcholic that won't get help, or mass murder, whatever..just because you're pregnant doesn't mean you have to marry the man.
PA's comments make no sense at all...because its total rubbish on the increased AIDS, etc issues..
Gypsy..don't let what someone else decides is right for you, dictate what you want or need to do in your life. If you are a strong enough person, and I know you are, you can handle anything life throws at you.
Note...on that listing provided on countries with the divorce rates...take into note the countries that are almost total Catholics..a lot of them stay married due to religion...even if the marriage is abusive or bad. Again..I've never understood that..but to each his/her own