whoa by then its WAY too late!! I've talked to my kids since they were old enough to ask questions about it...the eldest started at age 4...the serious talks began at age 8.

For those of you who get embarrassed..try this...tell your child to sit on the bed, facing away from you...you face the other direction, with your backs against each other..then tell them they can ask whatever they want to (unless it gets too personal, then you reserve the right to refrain from answering)..they don't get as embarrassed and are more open to talking if they don't have to face you. AND you get the added benefit of not turning red from some of their questions.

Be honest, be open and for goodness sake, be truthful about the facts..ALL of them!!!

Had to add...if YOU don't tell them what they need to know..believe me, they are getting info from their classmates and its usually wrong.