Sheika Mozah is a lovely woman...and for the record..she doesn't HAVE 2 cm of makeup on..she's just as beautiful up close as she is in photos, and quite dignified but approachable.

personally speaking..she's done more for Qatar and its freedoms and progression than anyone else. She's started EC, gotten women the ability to be more free with their choices and job opportunites, and she cares deeply about children. She's very publically visible and involved, which is a huge difference from most countries in this area.

Small steps have to be taken to improve things and she's taken huge strides.

Now, as far as Qataris given jobs when they graduate....they are working on in they are attempting to change the process and get the students to work for what they want. That was brought up during the building dedication at EC back in March. They are trying to make Qatar youth more accountable and not just be handed their positions. Again..slow process but it is happening.

Kudos to Sheika Mozha..please keep up the wonderful work.