Makes women sound like fishing...catches and keepers...Dude, you have to use the right bait and from the looks of your posts..honey, you ain't got it!!! some of the others guys are just the same..Sputnik for one..geezzzzzzz get a grip, man...

"Its nothin to do with size n looks, it sure does with the money. Also I believe communication problem is there, usually u find the asians with good accent, I'm talkin as in majorities n minority. Also these white chicks are a bit expensive to keep. well but it is common. I had one before, infact i believe they are easier catch... well guys dont get me wrong here, but I'm tellin you this from my experience."

BS on the money issue...most women marry men because they love them, period, the end. Money can come along the way, or not at all. Western women ARE independent and yes, that is a great trait because they can always stand strong for their mates when the time comes and its needed. they can also be there for their mates to lean upon when the going gets tough and perhaps they are laid off work or physically disabled. Can someone who was never ALLOWED to work do that? Probably not.

women are women all over the world. You can't put us in a box with a list of traits just because of where we were born. Just for future reference...those men who are looking for mates...treat women with respect and you'll GET respect. Treat women with love and you'll get it back 10 times over. Yep there are bad apples in each bunch..but you know what? the good ones out number the bad one, but you have to look more than just on the surface to find that, and most don't take the time or effort to do that.

Now..on a personal level...I can't think of a race of men that is unattractive. I mean, if I was single, race would have nothing to do with my choice of who I dated or not...nor would money. I would have issues with someone who wished to dominate me and make me less than what I can be or am. Religion might be a bit of an issue simply due to some of the extreme differences, but again..if you love someone, that can be over come.

So guys, stop blaming the women or what race/nationality they are for your shortcomings as a mate. Pull up your jockeys and grow up.