I suffer from a lack of that...I LOVE exercise but it is getting into the routine that is a killer. Funny thing is, that once you start, it takes about 2 weeks for ANYTHING to become a habit, and once that happens, especially with exercise, it becomes addictive and you can't do without it. Unfortunately, you have to just about beat yourself into submission for those 2 weeks! I'm about to start that process..today in fact...no more excuses of jet lag and shoulder surgery! What I've discovered tho, is that I have to exercise early in the morning right after breakfast or its a lost cause because then I get busy with other things and I can "put it off" until later and then later becomes night time and I'm sleepy.
That's about my only weakness with procrastination..ohh no its not..packing is...I HATE to pack and will put it off until the very last minute..such as right before I left..I packed EVERYTHING at midnight when I had a 7 am flight... ;)
I suffer from a lack of that...I LOVE exercise but it is getting into the routine that is a killer. Funny thing is, that once you start, it takes about 2 weeks for ANYTHING to become a habit, and once that happens, especially with exercise, it becomes addictive and you can't do without it. Unfortunately, you have to just about beat yourself into submission for those 2 weeks! I'm about to start that process..today in fact...no more excuses of jet lag and shoulder surgery! What I've discovered tho, is that I have to exercise early in the morning right after breakfast or its a lost cause because then I get busy with other things and I can "put it off" until later and then later becomes night time and I'm sleepy.
That's about my only weakness with procrastination..ohh no its not..packing is...I HATE to pack and will put it off until the very last minute..such as right before I left..I packed EVERYTHING at midnight when I had a 7 am flight... ;)