because I just don't seem to see all this chaos that everyone else does!
OK apart from screaming children, (and I would accost the parents about if it was really bad and uncontrolled - don't mean a nappy being changed or a slit wrist or other such emergency)
I intend to do my own survey - over a week or two and not until after Eid.
I intend to:
walk the corniche, unaccompanied
wander around a souq - unaccompanied
call a cab, or hail one
I already go rounds the Malls by myself
I walk to my local supermarket
I hope to visit other areas in Qatar outside of Doha!
because I just don't seem to see all this chaos that everyone else does!
OK apart from screaming children, (and I would accost the parents about if it was really bad and uncontrolled - don't mean a nappy being changed or a slit wrist or other such emergency)
I intend to do my own survey - over a week or two and not until after Eid.
I intend to:
walk the corniche, unaccompanied
wander around a souq - unaccompanied
call a cab, or hail one
I already go rounds the Malls by myself
I walk to my local supermarket
I hope to visit other areas in Qatar outside of Doha!
I can't think of anything else!