I think the problem is that the children in Doha get little chance to play outdoors, especially during the warmer months and have way too much energy and frustration to release.

It doesn´t disturb me at all, but it would have been nice for their parents to realise that there is a nice kiddies area in Landmark where they can take their children to play and scream their lugs out. Surely the kids would have appreciate that, instead being confined to a restaurant or a shop...

I also agree that parents in Qatar tend to give junk to their children and this is extremely worrying. I had the chance to see that when I worked in the nursery and saw most two years old were fed with chicken nuggets, fries and sugary desserts. Parents often don´t realise that this is making their child hyperactive, unhealthy and fat and it sets a very bad eating pattern for the rest of their lifes