I drove the car we hired. Because I picked up a speeding ticket a couple of years ago I was very careful to keep within the limits. My GOD did it feel slow, even at 40 mph I felt I was crawling along, but I was terrified of picking up more points. I think I got 6 for the first offense and you are allowed something like 14 (I'm not sure) before you lose your licence.
To be fair it's usually only through towns or near schools etc. On a less populated road the limit goes up to 70 mph and open roads I'm not sure of the limit ... 80? I don't like driving slowly like that but I'd rather NOT tempt fate and lose my licence let alone kill a child!
I hope some of the boy racers will feel the same after a few months of being caught on radar.
I don't need anyone to respond saying it will never happen - I'm just telling my own little story, here :D
I drove the car we hired. Because I picked up a speeding ticket a couple of years ago I was very careful to keep within the limits. My GOD did it feel slow, even at 40 mph I felt I was crawling along, but I was terrified of picking up more points. I think I got 6 for the first offense and you are allowed something like 14 (I'm not sure) before you lose your licence.
To be fair it's usually only through towns or near schools etc. On a less populated road the limit goes up to 70 mph and open roads I'm not sure of the limit ... 80? I don't like driving slowly like that but I'd rather NOT tempt fate and lose my licence let alone kill a child!
I hope some of the boy racers will feel the same after a few months of being caught on radar.
I don't need anyone to respond saying it will never happen - I'm just telling my own little story, here :D