Don't worry it happens only for women visa, they are waiting for a police verification, try contacting them on Sunday directly to the counter where you submitted the application, they will accept the payment if there are no police complaint against the application. This often heepen to me even the ladies are visiting frequently. Nothing to worry you will surely get the visa if you met the criteria. In any case if it is not approved, contact Caption Meswoth at the counter or ask for his office with those cleaning boys, simply go to him and explain he will on the spot approve the visa.
Don't worry it happens only for women visa, they are waiting for a police verification, try contacting them on Sunday directly to the counter where you submitted the application, they will accept the payment if there are no police complaint against the application. This often heepen to me even the ladies are visiting frequently. Nothing to worry you will surely get the visa if you met the criteria. In any case if it is not approved, contact Caption Meswoth at the counter or ask for his office with those cleaning boys, simply go to him and explain he will on the spot approve the visa.