and if you cook 'pig' at high temperature it kills all the diseases present. Nomads had no access to those sort of temperatures when dragging their lunch across the desert. Jews have the same 'law' and, of course, also came from the Arab lands where food would have gone off faster in the heat after slaughter.
I never heard of any huge numbers of Europeans dying from eating Pork more than death associated with eating any other animal which may have impurities or isn't cooked sufficienty etc.
and if you cook 'pig' at high temperature it kills all the diseases present. Nomads had no access to those sort of temperatures when dragging their lunch across the desert. Jews have the same 'law' and, of course, also came from the Arab lands where food would have gone off faster in the heat after slaughter.
I never heard of any huge numbers of Europeans dying from eating Pork more than death associated with eating any other animal which may have impurities or isn't cooked sufficienty etc.