Yeah, and that's the whole thing to rememeber. As everything has to be imported into Qatar, it's natural that there is going to be a little bit added onto the price. However, the things I have seen so far are NOT outrageously expensive. We're not talking a huge price inflation. If you shop around a bit, you figure out what to buy where. I found Mega Mart in Landmark to have a LOT more imported stuff, but I think their prices are a bit higher on basic goods than Carrefour. For all we know, there may be competition over at the Landmark too, when (if) the Carrefour is completed.

But "luxury" food items which people don't buy every day *anywhere* in the world are a bit more. Things like salmon, sour cream, shrimp, etc. But basics like milk, no problem. I pay 5 riyals for a liter at Carrefour. Note that milk only has a shelf life of 4 or 5 days, as do most dairy products, so you're better off buying small amounts anyway.

But getting back to goods' price and what I might have brought, I do highly recommend the dual-voltage region-free player :D The British 3-pin system is the plug size, so if you need to get something to correspond, do so. I brought one plug, and I need like 4 more. Ha! I'll manage, though.

You didn't mention where you were coming from (IS it Singapore?), and I can't recall the plug size in Singapore right off hand, but check on that. Actually, it's kind of strange here. It's like there are two sizes going here. Can someone who has been here longer elaborate, please?

If you wear contacts, you might be well off to try to sea ship solution to yourself, if you're getting a sea shipment through your company. Talk about luxury items--I just paid 39 riyals for a bottle of solution at Boots. But I needed it, so what do you do? I shipped some to myself from the States, where you can get generic for USD$3, but now I see I should have done more. So it goes. I'll probably go to Thailand soon anyway, and if I recall correctly, I can get it cheaper in Bangkok.