You can most certainly use your cash card, providing it's hooked up to a world ATM network (Cirrus, etc.) or has a credit card symbol. I was not charged a fee by QNB (Qatar National Bank); only by my home bank (which I fully expected).
As for an ATM in arrivals, unfortunately, I've not seen one. I may have missed it, though, as I've been wisked through by the greeting service both times.
If you are going to a hotel first, you can either use an ATM or take cash and exchange it. I did this (exchanged cash) the first time at the Intercon(tinental) without difficulty. Just ask when you check in.
If you are going to your accommodation, malls and shops are open late now with it being Ramandan (1 am or so). Ask your driver for advice. City Center Doha (the big mall), which I live across from, is like this. 10 minutes and the money problem is solved.
Established shops will take a credit card should you need to make a purchase before you can get to the ATM. However, Doha is pretty wired. You can find an ATM. Fee or no fee, who cares the first time--at least you've got money to operate on.
You can most certainly use your cash card, providing it's hooked up to a world ATM network (Cirrus, etc.) or has a credit card symbol. I was not charged a fee by QNB (Qatar National Bank); only by my home bank (which I fully expected).
As for an ATM in arrivals, unfortunately, I've not seen one. I may have missed it, though, as I've been wisked through by the greeting service both times.
If you are going to a hotel first, you can either use an ATM or take cash and exchange it. I did this (exchanged cash) the first time at the Intercon(tinental) without difficulty. Just ask when you check in.
If you are going to your accommodation, malls and shops are open late now with it being Ramandan (1 am or so). Ask your driver for advice. City Center Doha (the big mall), which I live across from, is like this. 10 minutes and the money problem is solved.
Established shops will take a credit card should you need to make a purchase before you can get to the ATM. However, Doha is pretty wired. You can find an ATM. Fee or no fee, who cares the first time--at least you've got money to operate on.