Maybe because many people in Doha choose their pets according to the current fashion and them dump them when they get bored of them.
Maybe because the first question many people ask before adopting a pet is what colour is it, how cute is it before deciding to get it.
Maybe because so many people dump their pets on the street or desert rather than paying relocation when they leave, only having wanted them when they were cute babies.
Maybe because so called pedigree dogs and cats are easily imported from countries where breeders are not decent people but fashion ditates I MUST have a PUG NOW!

Maybe because animals that have been trapped in the WILD such as Macaws, monkeys, Baboons and Cheetahs could be sold via QL and they do not want this on their conscience.
Maybe because QAWS already have thousands of pets waiting for homes and contact details of many more people who want to rehome their pets.

Having worked in a vet clinic here in Doha for 2 years I can say this. I have met some of the best, kindest, most committed and downright animal crazy people in the world. (you know who you are!!) I have also met the meanest, cruellest and weirdest pet owners as well. I have met many folk who want to get their family dog put down so they can get a new one. People asking for cosmetic surgery, dog fighting, neglect and cruelty. And this is a cross section of people, not any in particular.

Maybe that's why.