Rather like mulahs, priests also have they own different opinions.
It's all a case of interpretation.
And I believe in ME :o)
OH and in case vaticancity.com is watching what I'm saying, it is purely my own thoughts, OK? I still have a photograph my hub took of me in St Peter's in Rome and I'm shrouded in a shaft of light from a window - looks like I'm being 'zapped'! *shuddering here*
Rather like mulahs, priests also have they own different opinions.
It's all a case of interpretation.
And I believe in ME :o)
OH and in case vaticancity.com is watching what I'm saying, it is purely my own thoughts, OK? I still have a photograph my hub took of me in St Peter's in Rome and I'm shrouded in a shaft of light from a window - looks like I'm being 'zapped'! *shuddering here*