What are the fundamental differences between Islam and Christianity?
Not a lot, except in Christianity we had a lot of Saints who were considered Martyrs but I don't think they actually committed voluntary suicide and didn't take others with them in order to achieve that status.
What are the fundamental similarities?
We both agree Jesus was a prophet. Mohammed came later and got political about it.
Which one is right?
They both could be if we got rid of the fundamentalists on both sides and stuck to what is good for the people!
And why do you follow whichever one it is you follow?
Cos I was born into a Catholic family and I consider that was my upbringing and, having grown out of that, I would be as likely to convert to any other as fly in the air.
What are the fundamental differences between Islam and Christianity?
Not a lot, except in Christianity we had a lot of Saints who were considered Martyrs but I don't think they actually committed voluntary suicide and didn't take others with them in order to achieve that status.
What are the fundamental similarities?
We both agree Jesus was a prophet. Mohammed came later and got political about it.
Which one is right?
They both could be if we got rid of the fundamentalists on both sides and stuck to what is good for the people!
And why do you follow whichever one it is you follow?
Cos I was born into a Catholic family and I consider that was my upbringing and, having grown out of that, I would be as likely to convert to any other as fly in the air.
PS I get very afraid when I walk into Churches!