Missing time theory: Portuguese cops ask if McCanns were abducted by aliens

Written by queen mudder
Story written: 21 September 2007

The UFO connection may have been inevitable according to Fleet Street sourcces Portimao - (Whodunnit Press): Portuguese cops have claimed that a 'period of missing time' may provide the vital clue to the question every Portimao Polygraph machine operator wants answered: were the McCanns abducted by aliens?

"This could explain everything," one Prosecutor's office source said today.

The Leicestershire couple have born the brunt of dozens of tabloid theories since lip-reading specialists analysed footage of their bizarre audience with the Pope.

But the paranormal angle didn't really emerge until reports that psychics and healers were providing 'vital evidence' in the McCann case.

Today's UK newspapers are focusing on the latest X-Files slant to hit the news-stands in what has been a bankrolling force for the press.

"We're selling millions of extra copies every day," a UK Newspaper Publishers Association source admitted.

"The McCanns have replaced Kate Middleton and foot 'n' mouth disease as the reason why our circulation figures have gone through the roof."

The story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.