"the Hippocratic Oath "To please no one will I prescribe a deadly drug nor give advice which may cause his death"
That refers to prescribing a deadly drug which may cause death, not to simply NOT prescribing anything and thus allowing the person die a natural death without medical interference.
Probably much the same as we all died prior to various types of medications being discovered and/or invented and also how people die every day if there is no-one around to assist them, whether a medic or not.
"the Hippocratic Oath "To please no one will I prescribe a deadly drug nor give advice which may cause his death"
That refers to prescribing a deadly drug which may cause death, not to simply NOT prescribing anything and thus allowing the person die a natural death without medical interference.
Probably much the same as we all died prior to various types of medications being discovered and/or invented and also how people die every day if there is no-one around to assist them, whether a medic or not.