same thing: Masonic Lodges. Freemasons. Secret Society. Secret Handshake (some people joke about this and also the strange things they had to do at their 'induction' ceremonies lol). Have to be invited to join and often it goes from Father to Son and so on.
If, say, a Bank Manager is a Mason and he is introduced to a Accountant who he doesn't know he will use the Masons Handshake to see if it is returned by the Accountant. They then know they are 'brothers'.
It's all about helping each other to gain advantage at work etc. but often, therefore, excludes others (who are NOT in the society) from promotion or whatever.
I don't know lots about it, but I DO know some and also know people who ARE Freemasons.
same thing: Masonic Lodges. Freemasons. Secret Society. Secret Handshake (some people joke about this and also the strange things they had to do at their 'induction' ceremonies lol). Have to be invited to join and often it goes from Father to Son and so on.
If, say, a Bank Manager is a Mason and he is introduced to a Accountant who he doesn't know he will use the Masons Handshake to see if it is returned by the Accountant. They then know they are 'brothers'.
It's all about helping each other to gain advantage at work etc. but often, therefore, excludes others (who are NOT in the society) from promotion or whatever.
I don't know lots about it, but I DO know some and also know people who ARE Freemasons.